Dear colleagues!
Moscow State University
of Psychology & Education (MSUPE)
Russian Public Organization "Federation
of Psychologists of Education of Russia”
III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation
"Digital Humanities and Technology in Education"
DHTE 2022
Herzen University
Polotzk State University (Belarus)
Ural State Pedagogical University
Mari State University
The Branch of National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute»in Smolensk
Scientific publishing center INFRA-М
Information support: Portal of Russian Psychological Publications
Conference dates: 17 - 18 November 2022
Paper submission deadline:
Decision Date:
17 - 18 November 2022
18 September 2022
15 October 2022
The conference will be held online
Conference Program Committee
Program committee members
Conference Organizing Committee
Members of the organizing committee
Secretariat and technical support
- to identify promising areas for interdisciplinary analysis of opportunities, tools, models of teaching Humanities in the digital environment, as well as intellectual technologies
- to analyze psychological and pedagogical aspects of online learning, presentation of empirical research results and data from surveys of students and faculty staff participating in the educational process
- to evaluate opportunities and prospects for the development of an inclusive information and education environment of a university or a school for students with special educational needs
- to assess risks of the Internet as a field of communication and interaction between adolescents and youth, identifying areas and prevention methods
- Technologies and learning models in the digital environment
- Psycho-educational aspects of online learning at different education levels and digital didactics issues
- Learning outcomes and experience of different learner categories in the digital environment: empirical studies
- Inclusive education in the digital environment: opportunities and challenges for learners with special educational needs
- Distant learning as a professional field in teacher assessments: advantages and possible risks of using e-courses, MOOCs
- Artificial Intelligence in Humanities and Education: software products, models, technologies
- Modelling and data analysis for digital education
- Internet as a sphere of interaction between teenage students and student youth: risks in extra-curricular activities
- Problems of development, regulation and quality assessment of online courses in educational institutions
- Technology for teaching foreign languages
- Audio training, podcasts
- Pedagogical tools for teachers
- Open educational resources and open pedagogy
- New ideas in educational technology
- Humanities education for future jobs
- Internet and “silver age”: new opportunities and perspectives
- School education as a challenge of the 21st century
- Participants’ support in online learning
- Digital competencies development in preschool age
Working languages: Russian, English.
For participation in the conference we invite: school teachers, university faculty staff, faculty staff of the organizations of additional vocational training, developers of e-courses, researchers and experts in sphere of the general, professional and electronic education and digital didactics; directors, teachers, methodologists of organizations of all levels of education; developers of digital educational products, tools and services; representatives of private firms interested in fostering digital software products in education.
As part of the conference, it is planned to conduct master classeson topical issues related to the digitalization of education at all levels.
Based on the results of the Conference, an electronic collection of articles indexed in the RSCI will be published. The collection will be available on the portal
Procedure for submitting applications for participation and reports
Procedure for submitting applications for participation and reports
Paper texts and applications are submitted using the registration form on the conference website:
- Paper submission deadline: - September 18, 2022
- Registration deadline: - November 15, 2022
Registered participants will receive certificates of participation
Reports submitted for publication are expected to contain original, unpublished research results. The submitted texts should correspond to the conference topics and present materials previouslynot published and not under consideration for other publications. The originality of the text must be at least 70%, according to the results of the check using the Antiplagiat.VUZ system. Priority will be given to presenting the results of empirical research.
The Program Committee reserves the right to select texts for publication,as well as the right to reject materials that do not correspond to the topics and directions of the conference, the rules for registration, and received later than September 18, 2022. Editorial revision of the texts is provided.
Requirements for the design of the texts of reports
- The format of the file name with paper text: number of the section_surname of the author (authors)_initials, for example: "1_Ivanov_II.doc".
- The text should be in MS Word format in the conference proceedings style file in Russian
(link to download the style file in Russian) or in English (link to download the style file in English). All design requirements are also contained in the style file.
Style file in Russian (download)
Style file in English (download)
Participation in the conference and publication of conference materials is free
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